5 Things Catholic homes SHOULD NOT Have
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0:00 Introduction
2:00 Hidden Dangers: Amulets
20:00 Words Matter
25:00 Media Influence
32:00 Choosing Friends Wisely
39:00 Fashion and Values
50:00 A Special Consecration
52:00 Final Thoughts and Blessing
The Apostle St Paul says that we are in the world but Christians we are not of
Speaker:the world, we do not belong to the world. Unfortunately the world has its traps,
Speaker:has some dangerous things that infiltrate our Christian lives, our
Speaker:Christian homes and families whereby we are prone to corruption. Today Father
Speaker:Bande who is about to talk to us about five dangerous things that
Speaker:often penetrate into Christian homes whereby we are very prone to fall to sin
Speaker:and to destroy our lives. So Salve Maria Father Bande thank you for coming once again.
Speaker:Salve Maria Brother John, Salve Maria to you all. And Brother Pliny Abasi again joining us.
Speaker:Salve Maria, thank you very much for the invitation. So Father Bande you said you're
Speaker:going to talk to us about five things, so shall we get right into it? Which is the
Speaker:first dangerous thing that Christians have in their houses that they should
Speaker:not have? Well I think that we should always remember that a Christian family, a
Speaker:Christian home, alright, is not a ordinary home, right? It's a domestic
Speaker:church, it's a domestic church. We should always always remember that this is the
Speaker:foundation of Christian civilization. A family, a home is something sacred and
Speaker:therefore we should always want to make that sacred place a holy place where
Speaker:nothing evil enters, nothing negative will occur in this home, alright? This is
Speaker:what Saint John Paul II insisted many many many times, I remember in the 1980s
Speaker:alright, when he went to Canada in 1984 for example, he repeated to all those
Speaker:countries that he visited that we should have, you know, our families, our domestic
Speaker:churches. There are places where the children have to find God, where God is
Speaker:present, where God is honored, where God our Father is venerated. So a domestic
Speaker:church, alright, is a place of holiness, you know. Some people go to church on
Speaker:weekends, you know, on Sundays, thanks be to God, and then they forget that they're
Speaker:Christians during the week, you see? So they go to church, they pray, they go to
Speaker:confession, they receive Holy Communion, which is all excellent, which is already
Speaker:good, but then they go back home and they start screaming to the children, they
Speaker:start, you know, well just being lazy or being selfish and then they break
Speaker:that ambience of the church when they go back home, because they're back
Speaker:home, well they become, well, just like the world, and the world is full of
Speaker:selfishness. So that's why, you know, we should have always be very careful of
Speaker:allowing the world to penetrate into our homes. Like you said, Brother John, in the
Speaker:beginning, right, St. Paul says that we Christians, alright, live in the world,
Speaker:but we are not of the world. We are here in order to transform the world. We are
Speaker:here in order to help the world and not for the world to transform us. So how do
Speaker:we do this? How do we go about doing this? Well, above all, of course, you know, with
Speaker:the help of the sacraments. So it's important that the father, the mother
Speaker:bring their children. Sometimes, unfortunately, in our world, they're more
Speaker:and more, we have single mothers, we have single fathers, alright. Well, that's not
Speaker:a problem, alright. So that single mother, that single father should also bring
Speaker:their children, alright, to church on Sundays. It's not because, well, you're
Speaker:single that, you know, you don't have also the obligation to make your home, alright,
Speaker:into a sanctifying place for your children, alright. So even if you're a
Speaker:single mother, single father, you know, not a problem, make that their home of
Speaker:yours a domestic church, alright, a place of holiness where the child will feel,
Speaker:they'll feel loved and everything. So bring them to church on Sundays,
Speaker:which is so important. Introduce them to the sacraments, so catechism and
Speaker:everything, you know, so that they feel that they have a purpose in
Speaker:life and then they go back home, create that ambience and then be careful, be
Speaker:careful because the friends of your children, the social media, the world will
Speaker:want to destroy that ambience that you're creating. And the first element
Speaker:that they will try to introduce into your home is an amulet, alright, an amulet,
Speaker:yes, an amulet. What is an amulet? Well, an amulet, I remember way back in the
Speaker:1980s, I remember it was a fashion there, you had these pet rocks, alright, so you
Speaker:know, you'd order your pet rock there or you'd buy your pet rock, it would come in
Speaker:a little box and it was instructions there, you know. Instruction? What are you
Speaker:supposed to do with a pet rock? Feed it every day? It was a curiosity, okay, it was a curiosity, but when I
Speaker:started going to catechism, alright, I remember that I started to understand
Speaker:that the pet rock, what was an introduction, alright, was a way that the
Speaker:devil, alright, was using in order to make us start to venerate the pet rock. The
Speaker:pet rock started to, well, have some form of energy, some form of strength that
Speaker:would bring us peace, that would bring us protection and that's an amulet, you see?
Speaker:Superstitions, I mean, unfortunately, the more people fall away from the true
Speaker:religion, the less people practice a Christian religion, the most
Speaker:superstitions they have. I find that funny because people are not willing to
Speaker:believe in the true God, they don't have a problem believing in pet
Speaker:rocks or lucky fishes or horoscopes. Yeah, exactly, four-leaf clovers. Yeah, and all sort of things.
Speaker:Four-leaf clovers, touch wood and all that sort of thing, yeah, exactly, exactly. So be
Speaker:careful with these amulets, with these superstitious type of elements that
Speaker:want to enter into your homes, alright, because they will deviate the piety of
Speaker:your children for what is truth, God, alright, for what is error. What would be an
Speaker:amulet nowadays? An amulet nowadays, well, I see a lot of people with these kind of
Speaker:bracelets. They have these type of bracelets nowadays, alright, colourful
Speaker:bracelets, alright, they're not ugly, okay, but speaking to some of my
Speaker:parishioners, alright, there in Saint Agnes, a little chapel there, that poor little
Speaker:chapel, I'm one of the shepherds there, right, so I'm the parish priest there in
Speaker:this little chapel. We're in the mountains up, almost basically in the
Speaker:jungle, alright, and so I have, we have like something like 70, there's 72
Speaker:children that participate in our catechism classes from all ages, right, so
Speaker:and so some one time I saw one of them, one of the children, well a lot of the
Speaker:children, they have these kind of corded bracelets, so they're nice, okay,
Speaker:but you know, it was corded bracelets, so I was asking them, what is this, what is, oh
Speaker:it's a lucky charm. That changes everything. Lucky charm, yeah, yeah, this brings me
Speaker:luck. I thought it was, you know, decoration, I thought it was kind of some
Speaker:form of jewelry, you know, which is okay because it's nice, you know, but no,
Speaker:the child, alright, someone had told him that that will bring him luck, that's an
Speaker:amulet, that's a modern-day amulet. Now exist in each country will be something
Speaker:different, but these lucky charms, so these lucky charms are actually amulets.
Speaker:Yes, they are lucky charms. Well I think these, on one side they give you the
Speaker:wrong idea, they are deforming the mentality of the children, of course, also
Speaker:I think at least some of them actually do attract the devil as well, don't they?
Speaker:They do, absolutely, they will attract the devil. Oh yeah, these lucky charms will
Speaker:attract the evil forces because it's a way for the devil to kind of put his
Speaker:claw into your soul, you know, how does he go about that? He goes about because the
Speaker:devil is so repugnant that if he presents himself in all of his
Speaker:evilness, his darkness, and his agit, his nervousness and everything, you know, no
Speaker:one will want to follow the devil, no one will want to have his presence, right? So
Speaker:he's a very sly fellow, alright, the devil, he introduces himself, alright,
Speaker:through superstition, he introduces himself through these kind of elements
Speaker:that, you know, we laughed about, the pet rock, right? So the pet rock, it seems
Speaker:like it's something that is very, very insignificant, right? Harmless. Harmless,
Speaker:almost innocent, you know, or this, or the bracelet, you know, corded bracelet, you
Speaker:know, something that, you know, a child would use, you know, maybe, I remember when
Speaker:I was a scout in the scouting movement. Boy Scouts. Boy Scouts, yes. So we had
Speaker:these, you know, we had these type of medals and things, etc., that we
Speaker:used, that we would have with us, but they were kind of more
Speaker:decorative type of things. Part of the ceremony, I mean, in the military you
Speaker:have them, you don't believe that brings you luck? No, a badge, you get a badge, you
Speaker:get a medal, you know, that's not lucky charm, that's a form of
Speaker:recognition, you're being recognized for something that you've done, you've
Speaker:did, or that you aspire for, or it's just a piece of decoration, you know,
Speaker:that's okay. But then when it becomes, you know, a little bit more spiritual, oh
Speaker:that's gonna be bring me luck, you know, that's gonna break the jinx that
Speaker:that's fallen upon me, you know, because I have a jinx that's been
Speaker:that someone sent on me, so now I use this type of medal, or I use this
Speaker:type of thing, etc., etc., so that is superstition, and the devil will
Speaker:enter into that. The devil will kind of get a permission, if you
Speaker:start using that with devotion, alright, and this is where it
Speaker:becomes very dangerous. Always remember, what is prayer? Prayer is a loving
Speaker:relationship with God, right, where you have a conversation with God, right,
Speaker:it's to want to unite yourself to God. Well, that prayer, alright, is for God, but
Speaker:you can also have a relationship, alright, with something, well, that is
Speaker:contrary to God, and so the amulets introduce you to this other being, you
Speaker:know, if you start speaking about the spirits, you know, the spirits that are
Speaker:around us, you know, that will help us, you know, you will invoke the spirits, so
Speaker:you use this pet rock, you use this bracelet, you use this medal, you know, as
Speaker:a form for the spirit to be present in your life, because the spirit will
Speaker:bring you protection. That is a way for the devil to start to have permissions
Speaker:on you, and to start to manipulate you. Father, so this is something, which I
Speaker:guess those who are practicing Catholics have it pretty easy to distinguish, but
Speaker:there may be some who are watching us now, who have this doubt now, about why
Speaker:are the medals that the church uses not lucky charms? I mean, I can wear, if I
Speaker:wear, you know, a tooth of a tiger on my necklace, yes, that is a charm, because I
Speaker:believe that'll bring me luck and protect me and God knows what, but then I
Speaker:can wear a medal of Our Lady, and I believe that protects me, but then that's not a
Speaker:lucky charm. So then what is the, why is one good, it is good that I use a medal, we
Speaker:do use it ourselves, and why is the other one bad? It's always in the intention,
Speaker:all right, it's always in an intention, all right, so if you're a hunter,
Speaker:my brother is a hunter, they're in Canada, so he hunts moose, deer, you know,
Speaker:and one day he had to, there was a bear that was attacking his camp, so they
Speaker:had to kill this bear, all right, so it was an unfortunate event, but it
Speaker:did happen, and it does happen, it does happen when you're, you know,
Speaker:you're 300, 400 kilometers north from any type of civilization and you're
Speaker:hunting moose, well, bears do show up sometimes, so they had to hunt this bear,
Speaker:they had to kill the bear because he was dangerous, so they went and
Speaker:they, as a souvenir of the bear, all right, they took some claws, they took a claw of the
Speaker:bear and they made kind of a necklace with the claw of the bear, you know, I mean, I
Speaker:don't find, personally, I don't find it something that is very nice, but, you know,
Speaker:it's a natural face. So there you go, so the intention here is a souvenir,
Speaker:kind of a decorative type of thing, they put it on their hunting cabin, all right,
Speaker:as a decoration. It's almost like a military medal. Yeah, the sign of the
Speaker:courage that he had, exactly, so there you go, all right, so it's the
Speaker:intention, but there are those who will want one of those bear claws or bear
Speaker:tooth, all right, and they will say that no, this will give me special spiritual
Speaker:powers, you know, spiritual protection because the bear is courageous, the bear
Speaker:is strong, so I'm gonna have the spirit of the bear, all right, on me and it's
Speaker:gonna be give me the bear's courage. Now that is already superstition and that is
Speaker:what is going to make you, all right, unite yourself to the devil, you know, and
Speaker:you're going to become, therefore, an instrument in the devil's hands. So this
Speaker:in Holy Scripture, I mean, it's all over the place, I mean, God is always
Speaker:warning Israel, is always warning, you know, his sons and daughters
Speaker:against the pagan amulets, against the pagan superstitious spirits, you know,
Speaker:God is always, I mean, and we find this in the Ten Commandments, right, of making
Speaker:false images, and so we have to be careful. As Catholics, what's
Speaker:the difference between an amulet and a decoration? It's the intention. It's the
Speaker:intention, okay, so now why is the medal, for example, a miraculous medal, you know,
Speaker:not an amulet? Why is a holy water, why is holy water not a superstition?
Speaker:Yeah. Right, well, because we Catholics, these are called sacramentals, all right,
Speaker:sacramentals are not superstitious. Sacramentals are, let's say, are
Speaker:remind us of God's presence. We invoke God through holy water. We invoke God
Speaker:through the miraculous medal. We invoke God through the rosary. We invoke God, you
Speaker:see, through doing the sign of the cross, you see, it's the intention. Doing the
Speaker:sign of the cross, all right, I am uniting myself to God, and this therefore is
Speaker:something that is a blessing. So it's always in the intention, all right, so
Speaker:this is what's important, all right, so, you know, at home we can have
Speaker:trophies and, you know, their decorations, but if we take that trophy and we say,
Speaker:no, no, this gives me a special power, you know, then this is also why it's
Speaker:difficult and it's always, we have to take care. I've known some
Speaker:people, all right, who received as a gift, all right, the rosary of their
Speaker:great-grandmother, all right, so imagine it's the rosary of their great-grandmother
Speaker:that is being passed on from generation to generation. It's beautiful,
Speaker:it's beautiful, beautiful, and, you know, I would love to have a rosary of my
Speaker:great-grandmother, you know, but I don't, but those who do, all right, and those who
Speaker:do pass on, you know, these crucifix from your grandfather or a
Speaker:picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from, you know, your, some other
Speaker:ancestor, you know, these are beautiful, beautiful inheritances, right,
Speaker:objects that you inherit and that unite you, unite us to our fathers in
Speaker:the faith, but I've heard of people, all right, that say that their rosary, because
Speaker:it comes from their great-grandmother, is a lucky charm. Yes. They give more
Speaker:importance, in fact, they give more importance to their grandmother than to
Speaker:Our Lady. There you go. And to God. It's more special not because it's a
Speaker:rosary, but it's because of my grandmother, I mean. So a holy rosary
Speaker:that has been in the family for generations suddenly became an amulet
Speaker:because of the intention, you see, so the danger, you see, so the danger here, so
Speaker:that's, so what do you do? What do you do when you realize somebody might be
Speaker:listening to us here and say, "Eesh, I think I've, I have a few amulets. I think
Speaker:I've considered, I've had some superstitious moments in my life."
Speaker:No problem. We have what we call the confessional, all right. As a Catholic, you
Speaker:know, we know that we can ask forgiveness, so if anybody here who's
Speaker:listening us to us, all right, has fallen into this superstitious type of thing, no
Speaker:problem. Just ask forgiveness, go to confession, ask forgiveness, and don't
Speaker:treat that rosary, don't throw the rosary away, okay. That's not what I was
Speaker:gonna ask. What do you do with the object, especially if it's a rosary? Yeah, no, don't
Speaker:throw the rosary away. What you could do, okay, is you could ask the priest, all
Speaker:right, since you venerated the rosary as a mamulet, all right, you could ask the
Speaker:priest to kind of exercise the rosary, kind of break any link that
Speaker:the rosary might have had, all right, with some evil spirit, all right, because
Speaker:of the evil veneration that you were kind of giving to that rosary, all right,
Speaker:and then to bless the rosary again, all right, under condition of course, you know.
Speaker:So this is something that could be done, all right. So there's
Speaker:always a solution, right. Our faith is so beautiful, you know, God is so
Speaker:merciful, and there's always ways to getting around this, but it's
Speaker:important for us to take always into account, you know, the danger that
Speaker:these things can occur, and that we should be always careful to be Catholic.
Speaker:I have to be Catholic, I can't be superstitious, I can't be pagan, and this
Speaker:is why the pagan world is always trying to enter us, enter into our families, and
Speaker:and to shake our domestic church, right, and making us become superstitious. Mm-hmm.
Speaker:So that's the first point. Okay, father. That's the first danger. Amulets out. Amulets
Speaker:are out, all right. So now the second point that is very dangerous, all right,
Speaker:that is always, that is penetrating slowly, slowly into our, into our families,
Speaker:and that's profane language, all right, profane language. I mean, words that are
Speaker:low-level, you know, children bring, bring these back from school many times. They
Speaker:bring back these, these swear words, right, from, from school that they learn
Speaker:at the, at the gym or at the, during recess, you know, they don't learn from
Speaker:their teachers. I hope not. Yeah. I hope not. Okay, we never know nowadays, okay, but
Speaker:the teachers, I'm sure they don't swear, but anyways, let's say, you know, they, but
Speaker:children between themselves, so, so that is very dangerous. So when a child comes
Speaker:back home in your domestic church and uses a swear word immediately, father,
Speaker:mother, please, we have to rebuke. We have to give, give the child the knowledge that,
Speaker:that is a bad word, so that the child understands, and to ask the child never
Speaker:to mention that word again, because if you start between yourselves in the
Speaker:family to allow these bad words, these swear words, profane language, to, to, to,
Speaker:to, to become normal, then the sacrality of the domestic church goes away.
Speaker:Sometimes people are surprised when they find the horrible violence, the sins of
Speaker:the world invading their family that, unfortunately today, if you've heard cases,
Speaker:horrible cases of, I mean, violence within the family of, and all that sort of
Speaker:horrible sins, even gunshots and that, but then sometimes many of these things
Speaker:started small. When there was a first influence of the world of the sin
Speaker:entering, creeping inside, they could have been stopped, they could have
Speaker:taught the child to, it was something wrong, should be avoided, that there is
Speaker:good, there is evil, but when the parents are complacent with these things, they
Speaker:find it funny or they don't bother. I mean, you're opening the door to.
Speaker:That's the, the importance for the father and the, for the mother to give the good
Speaker:example, right? To have, to use proper language, to, to refrain from ever losing
Speaker:their temper. We have to, we have to always remember, remind ourselves that,
Speaker:that the father and the mother, they have a fundamental role, right? In, in, in
Speaker:creating that domestic church, a place of holiness, a place of sanctity, where, where
Speaker:children feel that they're being protected, that they're being elevated,
Speaker:that they're being respected. See, if the father comes back from work and he
Speaker:starts to use foul language, I mean, even if the child, I think, does not see it,
Speaker:suppose he does it at work, the child does not witness his father, see or hear
Speaker:his father, it still does evil. It still. I mean, it doesn't matter if the child,
Speaker:it's worse if the child sees, of course, but just the fact that the person does
Speaker:that, it has an influence and your responsibility for God for this. And even
Speaker:of course, you mentioned swear words, of course, but even the first step to swear
Speaker:is slang. Yeah, there are some things that. Might not have, it's not a sin, but it's
Speaker:already a first step. Instead of using the proper word, you start using some
Speaker:other, other word that doesn't even make sense. Yes. And it doesn't even make
Speaker:sense. It prepares the person to after start using swear word. So true. Then
Speaker:father, we have people blaspheme and unfortunately as time passes, it's more
Speaker:and more common people use words, language, immoral and they don't hesitate
Speaker:to do it even doing this before children. Yes. The profanity comes to a point
Speaker:where it's shocking and they're massacring the child. They're shameless. People are
Speaker:shameless nowadays. Yeah. So it all begins in small things and like Brother Plinyo
Speaker:said, slang words. You know, a father who's Catholic, a mother who's Catholic, I
Speaker:mean, that wants to create a domestic church, all right. I mean, we don't use slang
Speaker:language at mass. Yeah. You know, mass is, is a place of, of, of, it's a noble place.
Speaker:It's a respected place. It's a cultural place, a place where we, we come into
Speaker:contact with, with sacrality. So our homes have to be the same thing. A Catholic
Speaker:house, Catholic family has to recreate that same ambience. And so slang has no
Speaker:room in our Catholic families. It's like the first step to introduce or to let's
Speaker:say, create the ambience for foul language to enter. Yeah. Brother Plinyo, so, so true.
Speaker:You brought that up. Yeah. So, so Catholic families, be careful. You know,
Speaker:anything that is a bad word, that is a low-level word, that is a low-level type
Speaker:of language, so, so careful. Yeah. All right. So, so the third, third thing that,
Speaker:let's say, the third thing that should never enter into a Catholic home, all
Speaker:right, are bad books. There we go. All right. Bad books, bad videos, bad music.
Speaker:Those will, those will work in the tendencies. You see, if you have bad
Speaker:music, violent music, foul language that is being spoken in the music that you,
Speaker:that you're listening to in the home, well, you're, you're, you're, you're
Speaker:destroying yourself. You're destroying your family. Father, today you also find
Speaker:people who, parents who don't listen to bad language themselves, they don't read
Speaker:bad stuff, but then they give the child, sometimes very young children, totally
Speaker:free access to the internet and bad company, bad friends, whereby even if the
Speaker:parent has not, I mean, he's got a cell phone in his pocket with absolute access
Speaker:to do whatever he wants in total freedom and nobody keeping tabs on him or her. And
Speaker:then the parents are surprised why they are under bad influence, of course, but
Speaker:they have to be protected. They have to. Yes. No, the internet is a, is a beautiful
Speaker:tool, all right, for study, for communication. Internet is something that is,
Speaker:something that can be used for the good, but is also used for the, for the bad, for
Speaker:evil and especially for children, you know, a child should never be allowed to
Speaker:go into his room, close the door and have a smartphone with open internet. No, I
Speaker:mean, that child should not be allowed to, you know, to have that possibility to
Speaker:close himself up in his room, you know, and to be able to navigate into internet
Speaker:without being, without any type of vigilance, any type of, of, of, well, of
Speaker:attention from the parent. I doubt any of these parents would have the courage to
Speaker:leave a child in a room with a number of bottles of poison inside. No, let, he's
Speaker:free, let him do, but then if you're not going to give him physical poison,
Speaker:spiritual poison is worse. Yes. No, the child is innocent, he won't drink it. Yeah.
Speaker:Maybe he won't, but are you going to take the risk? Are you going to? The saying says
Speaker:curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity killed the cat. So the internet is once
Speaker:again, something that can be very, very good, but can also be very bad. You know, a
Speaker:13, 14 year old girl, you know, that goes into her room with open internet on her
Speaker:smartphone. I mean, you're just asking for trouble. You're just asking for
Speaker:trouble. You know, I would never allow a 14 year old, 15 year old girl, you know, if I
Speaker:had a daughter, you know, at that age, I would never allow her to go into her. I
Speaker:mean, if she has to navigate into internet for her studies, for her work or
Speaker:whatever, then in the living room or in the kitchen, you know, with mother there,
Speaker:you know, so that everyone sees, everyone knows, everyone, it's, it's open. It's, it's
Speaker:not, you know, we have to be vigilant. We have to be careful. So, you know, these
Speaker:bad books, bad movies, I mean, movies, my goodness, it's hard to find good movies
Speaker:today, you know. So that's why the parent has to be vigilant again, you know. The
Speaker:parent has to know what are the programs that we're going to see on television?
Speaker:What are the television channels that we should be listening to? You know, Mother
Speaker:Angelica, when she created her EWTN channel, all right, she, way back in the, I
Speaker:think it was in the 80s, 80s or 90s, I remember when I went to visit her in 2001,
Speaker:2002, right there in Alabama, you know, we went to visit the Mother Angelica and
Speaker:her sisters there. I mean, she, you see a holy person that was concerned with what
Speaker:was going on, you know, on television. And so she, she founded her Eternal Word
Speaker:Television Network in order to allow families to have a good Catholic
Speaker:television channel that will not be introducing horrible things into the
Speaker:domestic church, you know, into our homes, into our families. So, so, I mean, there's
Speaker:EWTN, but there are other also, you know, natural channels, nature channel, etc., etc.,
Speaker:that are also, you know, could also be used. But be careful because many times,
Speaker:you know, if we, if we want to be on a news channel, but then in the middle of
Speaker:the news, there's going to be some publicity that is going to be very, very,
Speaker:very, very disagreeable for your children. So this is important to be careful what
Speaker:to allow to, in, in, in your homes, you know, and one of the things that we have
Speaker:to be careful about are the films and television, you know, because this is, this
Speaker:is, we should always remember, this is a pagan world we're living in. That's, that's
Speaker:what I was going to say. It's hard to convince ourselves about that. Yeah.
Speaker:You want to live in a fool's paradise. Everything is perfect. We're not, we are in a
Speaker:pagan world. It's exactly what you said. We're in a pagan world and we, but we are,
Speaker:we are Christians. There we go. And so in St. Paul's time, he said we live in a
Speaker:pagan, we live in the world, but we're not of the world. Nowadays, the world is
Speaker:trying to get into our homes. Yes. And it's so easy for the world to get into our
Speaker:homes. If you open the door a little bit, if you open the screen a tiny bit, the
Speaker:world comes into our, into our homes in the pagan world that we live in. Father, the, I think
Speaker:one of the main issues we have in our lives today is that people don't want to
Speaker:realize how bad things are. They'd like to, they prefer to live in a false
Speaker:reality that everything is fine, everything is beautiful. Yes. And it's an illusion
Speaker:that they make themselves, right? They think that the world is good, the world
Speaker:is positive. Our Lord did say, you know, He didn't come to condemn the
Speaker:world, but He came to convert the world. He came to save the world. So, so I mean
Speaker:the world is, we should always remember it, it's the fruit of God's love, you know,
Speaker:creation and everything. But unfortunately, the world rebelled against
Speaker:God. And so we have, you know, the consequences of this rebellion in this
Speaker:pagan society, a pagan society that is always trying to deviate us, to
Speaker:keep us away, make us go away from God. So, so we as Catholics, we can't be, let's
Speaker:say, we can't allow ourselves to be illusioned. Hand in hand with the world. I mean, hand in hand with the world, no.
Speaker:Everything is beautiful, everyone is holy, they're not. No? Yeah. I mean, Father, few
Speaker:people want to make this very simple thought, but it's a, it's true that we are
Speaker:Catholics, we frequent the sacraments, we know how difficult it is to practice
Speaker:virtue. Each one of us know, we have to, we have to go for confession regularly, we
Speaker:have to pray, we have to do, we have to do this and that. And we know that if we don't hold
Speaker:our soul in check, we're going to commit sins. Yes. What is true for us is true for
Speaker:everybody. So you find people who, who don't practice religion, who speak
Speaker:against religion, who, and apparently they are, they say that they're nice, they're
Speaker:good, they're perfect. Hey, they're human beings like us. If they don't fight against
Speaker:the evil inclinations, they have evil inclinations. They may be hiding it, but they do have it.
Speaker:Well, always remind ourselves, alright, that those who respect God will respect others.
Speaker:Yeah. A man who does not respect God, don't expect him to respect you, alright, because if
Speaker:you can't respect what is above him, he will not respect what is equal to him and even less,
Speaker:what is lower to him. So this is why we Christians have to be vigilant. We have to be careful.
Speaker:Don't allow the pagan world to enter into your Catholic homes. It's, it's, it's, it's suicidal.
Speaker:Yeah. It is suicidal. And this is why we promote consecration. This is why we promote
Speaker:consecration to Jesus through Mary, alright, because those who consecrate themselves as slaves
Speaker:of love to our Lord Jesus Christ, through the hands of Mary, through the method of St. Louis
Speaker:de Montfort, right, they shield themselves. It's like a shield. It's like a protection in order
Speaker:to allow themselves to continue to live in this world, to continue to progress in this world,
Speaker:because we Christians, we progress. We don't regress. We don't retreat. We want to transform
Speaker:the world. We want to make the world become a better place, alright, but in order to do this,
Speaker:we need strength. We need help. And this is why we consecrate ourselves so that we transform the
Speaker:world and we don't allow the world to transform us. And Father, we form a sort of brotherhood,
Speaker:a sort of community, a family, because over the last few years, we've got around three million
Speaker:already at the time of this recording, uh, consecrations done online through our system
Speaker:online in three languages, uh, English, Spanish, and Portuguese. So there are millions of souls,
Speaker:but what I find beautiful, of course, the most beautiful part is our relationship between us and
Speaker:our Lord, us and our Lady. It's true, the vertical relationship, but it has also formed a family.
Speaker:Around the world, there are people, there are millions of people who have done this consecration
Speaker:and who have a certain link between each other, who have a certain joy in knowing that there are
Speaker:others. They help each other, strengthen each other. When two people meet and they realize that
Speaker:they both of them have done the consecration through our Lady, they realize that they're formed with the
Speaker:same family. It makes each one stronger because it's much more difficult to survive alone in the
Speaker:world and not give in to the world than when you are within a family, when you're within friends.
Speaker:That's one of the main reasons. So in the, we have this consecration. In fact, in case some of you
Speaker:are watching us now have not done your consecration to Jesus through Mary, please check this link in
Speaker:the description of this video. It's an online consecration, totally free, which will be very
Speaker:good for you and your family. But after that, we do have programs that we meet up. So when Father
Speaker:Timothy, for example, he goes to different parts of the world, we've had masses and meetings in
Speaker:different parts of the US, in England, in Ireland. We have encounters in Asia, I mean, in different
Speaker:parts of the world. Also, we have a live rosary every week where all the people around the world
Speaker:who belong to this family, we meet together to pray a rosary together as a family. But all of this
Speaker:helps us to survive because the pressure from outside is so strong that unless we have a
Speaker:pressure inside keeping us strong, we're going to fall away. We need help. We are weak.
Speaker:And we have to ask for the help that God is giving. And for many of us, it is a consecration to our
Speaker:lady, which gives us the strength to resist the world. Absolutely. Absolutely. This on the bigger
Speaker:plan of God, consecration unites all those who are devoted to our blessed mother Mary, all right,
Speaker:under one same type of umbrella, right? A protective umbrella. Because those who
Speaker:consecrate themselves to Jesus through the hands of Mary as slaves of love, all right, they also
Speaker:practice and they also believe in the message of Fatima. You see? So we are devoted to our lady
Speaker:Fatima and we live the message of Fatima where we believe that in the end, her immaculate heart will
Speaker:triumph. This is why we consecrate ourselves, you see? Because we want that immaculate heart to
Speaker:triumph right now at this moment in our hearts. Consecrated in ourselves, we consecrate ourselves
Speaker:and therefore we have the immaculate heart of Mary triumph in our hearts, all right? So that from
Speaker:our hearts, it may gain momentum and convert the whole world. Yeah, because the wrong idea would be
Speaker:yeah, since the world is evil and we are good Christians, we'll remain in a little burrow hidden
Speaker:by ourselves in the ghetto. No. We want to save ourselves and then we want to spread this light.
Speaker:We want to convert the whole world. We don't want to let the world be evil and we'll be holy people.
Speaker:No. No, that's not what we want. We want to be holy and then to convert the whole world to our lady.
Speaker:I mean, that's a very different concept from what some people have. No, we have to go back to the
Speaker:catacombs. No, we want to take the good things inside the catacombs to the whole world. Exactly.
Speaker:Exactly. Like Father said, we want to change the world and not let the world change us. Yeah,
Speaker:exactly. But we want to change the world as well. We have to change the world. Yes, the world deserves
Speaker:to be changed for the good, for the best, right? We see all these wars going on right now, suffering,
Speaker:so much tears that is being shed, so much rejections and everything. We see that people are in need of
Speaker:peace and peace will only come with the reign of Christ. With sanctity, everybody living holy lives,
Speaker:then the people will have peace. There's no point of having peace if at the end of the person's life,
Speaker:the person doesn't go to heaven. Exactly. No point of having a false peace. Try to end all wars
Speaker:without Christ. Absolutely. End war without Christ. It doesn't work anyway. Exactly. We've been
Speaker:trying it for centuries and so far one thing we know that doesn't work. Even if it did work,
Speaker:it wouldn't be enough. It would be good, but it wouldn't be enough. Absolutely true.
Speaker:So speaking about war and peace, that brings me to the fourth, all right? The fourth thing to avoid
Speaker:in our Catholic homes and that's bad friends. Bad friends, okay? Because bad friends will bring
Speaker:war to your home. Bad friends will bring agitation. They will take away the peace. Bad friends are a no
Speaker:no. Be very vigilant. Please, mothers, fathers, even children, you have to be careful not to
Speaker:bring any bad friends. And a bad friend is somebody, all right, who, well, that you like,
Speaker:of course, you know, because you have some affinity with that person, but that person, all right, does
Speaker:not like you. Yeah. Because that person wants to manipulate you. That person is interested in you
Speaker:for a other reason. That is a bad friend. A bad friend is somebody who wants to take advantage
Speaker:of you and bring you towards their bad habits. Now that is a bad friend. A good friend is somebody
Speaker:who wants to help, who wants to be generous, who wants to be attentive, who wants to, well,
Speaker:who respects you, who will help you, who will console you. A good friend is somebody who
Speaker:admires you. A bad friend is somebody who wants to manipulate you. Maybe you'll flatter you,
Speaker:but that's not true admiration, I guess. There we go, yes. So bad friends are some, are people that
Speaker:they're selfish and they want to use you as an object for their own benefit. But father,
Speaker:of course, these things are a little bit confusing. Sometimes there are people who seem to be good
Speaker:friends and they're bad friends and vice versa. Some people who may seem bad, but they have a good
Speaker:heart and they're not, they give an appearance of what they, what do you see to be a good test for us
Speaker:to find out exactly, for us to judge well, especially because when we feel a lot of sympathy,
Speaker:a lot of affinity with somebody, we tend to think that person's a good friend, even though he may
Speaker:not be or she may not be. How do we judge well who is a good friend and who is a bad friend?
Speaker:Right, well in Holy Scripture, our Lord goes and says, not everybody who says, "Lord, Lord, Lord,"
Speaker:all right, will enter into the kingdom of heaven, all right, because why? Because that's only lip
Speaker:service. People, there are some people who are very, very good in lip service. They have beautiful
Speaker:words. They have beautiful conversations. So be careful. Don't judge a person by what they say,
Speaker:but judge his person by what they do. We have to judge them by their works.
Speaker:What do they do? What's the fruit of their life? You know, are they a studious person? Do they,
Speaker:are they coming to home, to my house in order to help my child study? Are they going to work on a
Speaker:project together? Are they coming to my home in order to pray with me? Are they coming to my home?
Speaker:You know, a good friend will be somebody who's going to come in order to help me in my garden,
Speaker:cut the grass, I don't know, help me while I'm sick. You know, someone, but if someone comes
Speaker:into my home because they want to, well, bring me to participate in some social media activity,
Speaker:all right, that is hidden behind the door and in the room of my daughter, then no,
Speaker:that's a bad friend. You know, so, so you can judge a good person from a bad person from their
Speaker:good works or their bad works. What their actions, judge them by their actions.
Speaker:That's pretty true, Father. All right. Yeah. I mean, even if you feel a sympathy, but
Speaker:his acts are bad, simple. You can judge him. Yes. Or you feel that somebody is not good, but
Speaker:he is doing good. He's helping. He is, or she's helping. That's a, it's something very logical,
Speaker:very true, but I think very few, uh, quite often we forget this. We tend to judge by the face,
Speaker:by the appearances, by the act. By our own feelings many times. Yeah.
Speaker:Yeah. I like him. No, he's a good guy. Yeah. Or she's a good person. Yeah. That's not just
Speaker:feelings. No, it is not just feelings. Not just feelings. Chapter 23rd of Saint Matthew, we see
Speaker:there our Lord, um, he starts to judge and, uh, and to denounce, um, the Pharisees calling them
Speaker:hypocrites, right? So he's judging our Lord. He's judging what? He's judging the actions, the bad
Speaker:actions of the Pharisees. So this is what a Catholic should always do. We can't judge the heart.
Speaker:That's his obligation, that's going to be God, that's
Speaker:going to judge our hearts and our intentions.
Speaker:We can't judge people's intentions, but we can judge
Speaker:their actions and this is what we should always be doing.
Speaker:Being vigilant, see what the people are doing, what
Speaker:they've produced, what they're offering, etcetera,
Speaker:This is what will help us know if this is a good,
Speaker:or a bad friend.
Speaker:Thank you Father.
Speaker:Alright, so this is one of the, and the last of course,
Speaker:the last thing to avoid in a Catholic home, alright,
Speaker:is immodest fashions.
Speaker:Careful with fashions, bad fashions, immodest fashions,
Speaker:impure fashions.
Speaker:This is so, so, so detrimental to a pure family
Speaker:Alright, you find people who don't have the courage
Speaker:to dress so badly, but then they encourage the
Speaker:children to do.
Speaker:I mean, before God, your sin is worse.
Speaker:Exactly, exactly.
Speaker:It's something that, you know, is unfortunately
Speaker:very, very popular today, very, let's say spread out
Speaker:and it's the bad fashion.
Speaker:Fashion is a very, very strong thing, alright,
Speaker:because fashion is a social aspect.
Speaker:And since we are all very social beings, we like to
Speaker:be similar to other people.
Speaker:Well, we like to be similar to the society in
Speaker:which we live.
Speaker:Now, if the society in which we live is pagan and
Speaker:has bad immoral fashions, well, we have a tendency
Speaker:of wanting to dress up as the pagan society is
Speaker:because of our social, well, just instinct, I
Speaker:guess, instinct upbringing.
Speaker:Our social desire.
Speaker:Nobody likes to be different.
Speaker:It's not, it's not comfortable to be different
Speaker:than everybody else.
Speaker:So, so that's why, that's why, you know, we have a
Speaker:tendency, we have, our children will want to
Speaker:dress up just like their friends.
Speaker:And unfortunately at school, not all people
Speaker:dress up modestly, especially the girls, but
Speaker:also the boys.
Speaker:Also boys, this is not exclusive to the girls.
Speaker:Some boys also will be dressing up immodestly,
Speaker:you know, tight pants or very, very, very short
Speaker:shorts, you know, it's something that we have to
Speaker:be attentive to, you know, it's, and it's
Speaker:something that was denounced by Our Lady Fatima.
Speaker:I have a text here, all right, because, because
Speaker:Our Lady, she was already concerned and listen,
Speaker:this is, we're talking about the year, what year
Speaker:was Our Lady Fatima?
Speaker:And what year are we in today?
Speaker:So, I mean, there is, there has been a certain
Speaker:evolution, all right, a hundred and a hundred
Speaker:odd years, all right, since Our Lady Fatima.
Speaker:And I can't say the evolution of fashion
Speaker:progressed for the better.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:I mean, you, you look at pictures in 1917, okay.
Speaker:We're talking about this first world war.
Speaker:Um, it's, people were, were modest.
Speaker:People were modest, but back then there was
Speaker:also a danger of bad fashion.
Speaker:It was slowly entering society and now it's
Speaker:entered absolutely.
Speaker:Some people, some people say, well, you know,
Speaker:they'll say, no, but father, that's not a big deal.
Speaker:My daughter is, you know, she, she's wearing
Speaker:tights and you know, she's just with the other
Speaker:girls and the boys are used to it and it's not
Speaker:a big deal.
Speaker:Yes, it's a big deal.
Speaker:I'm sorry.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:It's a big deal because tendencies will eventually
Speaker:start to influence your thoughts and your doctrine
Speaker:and that will start to influence your actions.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:And so if we act immodestly, we will start to
Speaker:think immodestly and we will start to act
Speaker:So we can't dress immodestly.
Speaker:We can't act immodestly.
Speaker:And that's why our lady, all right, she, um,
Speaker:denounced immodest dressed already in 1917.
Speaker:So let me just read you what she said.
Speaker:Certain fashions will be introduced that will
Speaker:offend our Lord very much.
Speaker:And then she continues more souls go to hell
Speaker:because of sins of the flesh than for any other
Speaker:So this is our lady that's speaking to the
Speaker:little sister, the seer Jacinta.
Speaker:This was a private revelation that Jacinta
Speaker:was having with our lady.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:And Jacinta goes and she confirms, she goes
Speaker:and she says, the sins which hurl most souls into
Speaker:hell are the sins of the flesh.
Speaker:Certain styles will be introduced that will
Speaker:offend our Lord very much.
Speaker:Those who serve God must not follow these fashions.
Speaker:So these, this is something as a Catholic
Speaker:family, we should be aware of and we should be
Speaker:We should take care.
Speaker:We should not follow these evil fashions.
Speaker:We have to remember that evil fashions are a
Speaker:It's a sin of scandal.
Speaker:It brings others to sin.
Speaker:Our Lord said it would be better to tie a rock
Speaker:on your neck and be thrown into the ocean than
Speaker:to commit a sin, a scandal.
Speaker:It's much worse than many other sins because
Speaker:besides the sin you're causing sin and God knows
Speaker:how many others, imagine the day of judgment
Speaker:where the person is accused by God and you have
Speaker:500, 1000, 1000s of people pointing out fingers
Speaker:at you and saying, it was your fault that I
Speaker:committed mortal sin.
Speaker:That's why I'm in hell now.
Speaker:I mean, that is frightening.
Speaker:The idea is frightening.
Speaker:It is, it is, it is, it is.
Speaker:So, so we should be very, very attentive.
Speaker:You know, let's, let's remind ourselves, how did
Speaker:our lady, you know, present herself?
Speaker:I mean, how, what did she wear?
Speaker:The saints, you know, Jacinta, the little Jacinta,
Speaker:the blessed says she's, or she's saint.
Speaker:Is Jacinta blessed or saint?
Speaker:I think she's saint.
Speaker:I think she's, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Speaker:All the saints, all the saints, they're, how are
Speaker:they dressed?
Speaker:They're all dressed modestly.
Speaker:You're not going to see any saint, all right, that
Speaker:is dressed, you know, in a revealing mode.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Because immodesty is to be revealing.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So, so I have one more text here.
Speaker:I don't know if you, you would like me to read.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:This is from 1922.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:This is actually from an encyclical, all right.
Speaker:Ubhi Akhkani Dey Konsidi.
Speaker:It's from Pope Pius XI.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So he goes and he says, "There is a sad
Speaker:forgetfulness of Christian modesty, especially in
Speaker:the life and the dress of women.
Speaker:We lament too the destruction of purity among
Speaker:women and young girls, as is evidenced by the
Speaker:increasing immodesty of their dress and conversation
Speaker:and of their participation in shameful dances."
Speaker:And then he goes on and he speaks about how
Speaker:Christian mothers should be attentive to give
Speaker:always the good example.
Speaker:Christian mothers should be careful not to allow
Speaker:their girls and their boys today, also the boys,
Speaker:all right, to act differently from a Christian
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:We should always remind ourselves that paganism is
Speaker:something that is like a, is something that is
Speaker:conquering and destroying our families.
Speaker:And we should therefore, in order not to allow for
Speaker:paganism to enter into our homes, we have to
Speaker:learn to resist.
Speaker:As Christians, we have to say yes to God and we
Speaker:have to learn to say no to the world.
Speaker:If we don't say no to the world, then we're just
Speaker:like the Pharisees, we're hypocrites.
Speaker:We say yes to God and we say yes to the world.
Speaker:So we have one foot in the church, we go on mass
Speaker:and Sundays, but then we have one foot in hell.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Like our lady said, Jacinta, all right, there
Speaker:are more souls that go to hell because of immodesty
Speaker:than any other sin.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So, so let's be careful.
Speaker:Let's, let's, let's pay attention.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:This is a subject that, well, unfortunately, is not
Speaker:mentioned there very much.
Speaker:You know, I would like priests to speak about
Speaker:this much more in their homilies.
Speaker:You know, it's something I think that, that we
Speaker:should have to, we should, we should hear more
Speaker:often, all right, especially from our pastors,
Speaker:from, from, you know, those who are, are spiritual
Speaker:leaders, I think they should remind us of these
Speaker:truths, but, but this is why we have this podcast
Speaker:and this is why, you know, we, we spoke about this
Speaker:So I hope, I hope this answers your questions.
Speaker:You know, these are the five things that Catholic
Speaker:families, all right, should avoid in their homes.
Speaker:Father, our time is nearly up.
Speaker:Unfortunately, I really wish we could continue
Speaker:talking about such an important subject, but do
Speaker:you have any closing thoughts for us father
Speaker:now before we end the podcast?
Speaker:So let's, let's just always remind ourselves,
Speaker:all right, that we are indomitable Christians
Speaker:having heading for victory.
Speaker:I like that phrase.
Speaker:And it comes from Dr.
Speaker:Plinyu, all right, Dr.
Speaker:Plinyu, our, our first founder, all right, he
Speaker:used to always remind ourselves, you know,
Speaker:despite all the difficulties, all the
Speaker:evilness, despite the world being in the hands of
Speaker:the devil, being pagan, immodest, violent and
Speaker:selfish, you know, we are indomitable Christians
Speaker:heading for victory.
Speaker:We have the eyes on the resurrection.
Speaker:We have the eyes on the message of our Lady
Speaker:Fatima when she says, in the end, my immaculate
Speaker:heart with triumph.
Speaker:So for man, nothing is possible.
Speaker:But for God, everything is possible and we trust
Speaker:in God and we love in God and we believe in God.
Speaker:So this is why, you know, in the midst of all
Speaker:this, you know, we are always joyful and we are
Speaker:always full of hope and we are always looking
Speaker:towards the future because we know that the
Speaker:future is reserved to our blessed mother Mary.
Speaker:So much fun.
Speaker:It's really beautiful.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So give us your blessing now father, please.
Speaker:The Lord be with you.
Speaker:And with your spirit.
Speaker:And may almighty God bless you, father, son,
Speaker:and Holy Spirit.
Speaker:Sauri Maria.
Speaker:Sauri Maria.